It is important to realize that a website's speed, or its performance, is a measure of how quickly a browser is able to access and display fully functional web pages from a website. Sites that perform poorly and are rendered slowly in a browser can drive users away from the site. Furthermore, a site that loads quickly typically receives more traffic and produces a higher conversion rate, as opposed to one that loads slowly.

Studies have been done that have demonstrated that site speed has a direct impact on the conversion rate of a website (i.e., how quickly users complete the action they wish to perform). It is not only the fact that users stay on fast-loading sites longer, but it is also the fact that they convert at higher rates compared to sites that load slowly.

A site's loading speed is also one of the most important factors regarding SEO. In order to rank well in Google searches, your site's performance plays an important role as it is one of the most important factors since Google places a high priority on getting relevant information to users as quickly as possible. A variety of studies have shown that improving a site's speed by a couple of seconds can result in an increase in conversions of as much as 27%. In order to increase the chances of a customer making a purchase, you need to keep the load time for your page as low as possible. This will reduce the chances of them leaving without purchasing.

There are many factors that can affect the speed of your website, including the page content, CMS capacity, hosting server specifications, and other factors. Using eBuilderCMS can allow you to achieve the fastest response time possible for your website. This platform is capable of handling millions of requests per second thanks to the power of ASP.Net core 7. Using the distributed cache that is natively available in eBuilderCMS, you can reduce the number of database round trips significantly, which will in turn result in your pages loading more quickly. It has been well engineered to ensure that the cached data refreshes when changes in the CMS are made, which ensures that you have real-time data with optimal performance as soon as you make changes in the CMS.

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